Service Day and Donation Presentation to Mickie Powers, Common Ground ATX
Our Angel Tree recipient will be Common Ground ATX. Mickie Powers has sent us a list of items needed, so feel free to select something and bring to the celebration. In case you were not at the meeting where Mickey shared about Common Ground ATX, and her work with the homeless, let me share a few things. Powers said many of their residents are one step above homeless and not accepted in traditional rentals because of a criminal background. “When someone has been incarcerated or on the streets for 5-10 years what’s successful — some might consider awfully small, but for them it can be life changing,”. There is a community of homeless people that Mickie personally reaches out to - serving is her life and if you talk to her, you know this.
Let us make a difference here.
The list:
Bar soap
Razors (preferably multi-use)
Sleeping Bags (perhaps waterproof)